I am now 34 years old. It's sort of hard to believe I'm in my mid-30s. Weird.

I am grateful for my husband. It's a joy to watch him be a daddy to our son and was fun to celebrate his first Father's Day. I especially like watching him play with Jackson and seeing how differently we interact with him.
I am 5 pounds away from my pre-pregnancy weight. I still can't wear my old dresses because they just fit weird now (maybe when I quit nursing they will?), but thankfully I received shopping money for my birthday.

I am still finding things to be stressed out about even though my life is about 92% less stressful than it was a year ago. When I stop and consciously think about how wonderful my life is now (not that it wasn't before, but I don't have to go to work now!) I calm down, but it doesn't take long for my worrying to take over. I obviously need to work on relaxing and submitting this sinful tendency to God.
I am glad some of our closest friends live behind us and that Jackson has regular playdates and lunches with his BFF Holden. Holden's mom is pregnant with twin boys, so soon Jackson won't be the baby in the group.
I am a proud new owner of a Vitamix thanks to my mom. I'm planning to try it tomorrow and am excited! In the last year I've burned through a regular blender and my mother's old Montel Williams contraption making smoothies. It's definitely the best way I've found to get my fruits and veggies in each day, and I've missed having a way to make smoothies.

I am going to bed...11:15 is way too late for me now that I have an alarm clock named Jackson :)
p.s. I'm thankful that my mom, sister, and niece came up on Sunday to go to the market with Jackson and me. We really enjoyed their company.