Wednesday, July 25, 2012

Wordless Wednesday: 5 Months Old

p.s. I'm thankful for friends, near and far.

Thursday, July 19, 2012

Then & Now

Jackson's response to bananas
I began blogging in 2005 when I was stuck behind a desk from 8-6 every day and needed a little something to keep me entertained.  I wrote a lot about dating and relationships, funny work stories, and my nieces, and I often solicited advice from the blogosphere.  Once I quit my desk job to travel and do mission work for a year, my blogging frequency sharply declined.  Now I'm contemplating what to write about as I have free time at the computer, and I realize this week the biggest "issues" (for lack of a better descriptor) in my life have been introducing solids, working on a budget for our family, cleaning, and my son's sleep regression/getting sleep when I can.  Obviously these aren't super exciting or interesting, but I even find myself being drawn to blogs now that deal with these seemingly more mundane topics. 

My husband thinks I should start a new family blog, which would be a convenient way to share photos/videos and whatnot of our son with our (SEVEN) parents and other family and friends.  I haven't shared this blog link with his family and don't really want to for several reasons.  I sort of like that this blog tracks my life and the various seasons I've experienced (including when I met my husband and our dating), and I always enjoy reading the archives when I find a new blog I enjoy.  So for now I guess this blog will limp along until I get some blogging mojo or give it up.  Maybe I just need new blog friends :)  I miss my old blogging buddies as many have deleted their blogs or just quit writing; they kept me entertained.

p.s. I'm thankful for technology and being able to snap photographs and videos with my phone.