- My father in law's impatience and excitement for Jackson to open his last gift tonight: a tricycle "lowrider" and hearing Jackson's giggles and "wee" as he was pushed on it through their house;
- Our quick visit to see my great aunt and how incredibly proud she was to hold Ella Kate (as I helped) and to see Jackson. One of my prayers was that she would live long enough to meet my children, and at 93, she's done just that and has enjoyed every minute of knowing them;
- Jackson's sheer joy at having 16 people in our house Friday night--half of whom were children--and how much he adores my mother;
- how my Dad's sister couldn't wait to give Jackson a ball when she arrived at our Christmas lunch yesterday and how his face lit up as he pronounced it "ball";
- how loved Blake and I felt by our friend and babysitter Bess' gifts to our family which included a "gift certificate" for an overnight baby-sitting date;
- how excited I am by the North Face sweater pullover my in-laws got me (silly I know, but we're on a budget these days, and I've really wanted this top!);
- seeing my step sister-in-law 8 months pregnant tonight after their years of trying to have their second child; and
- how my friend Chasie wanted to serve and love Blake and me by keeping our children this morning, so we could have a child-free breakfast together.

p.s. I'm thankful for the two boxes of forgotten cookies my mom made for me (that I've already consumed:) and for my bright-eyed baby girl.