Dodge Ball: My first game in about 14 years took place two weeks ago, and it was one of the most fun things I've done this year. Team Cookie Monster won 15 out of 17 games. Last week was a little less fun because of some sleeveless shirt wearing, sweaty boys who threw the ball so hard that I hurt for minutes after being hit. Maybe they won't come back.
The West Wing: I just found out that there are at least seven seasons! Yeah!! I've only seen two seasons and have a crush on Rob Lowe (and I now have a real-life crush too, but he's not a candidate for anything more...which makes him the perfect crush, I suppose:). Similarly I've just discovered the wonder of The Office and have many episodes to watch over the next year.
My mom: Not only did she come visit last week, but she's sent me some amazing care packages already (including some good sheets and a super soft blanket for my
This Thought: "The more we get what we now call 'ourselves' out of the way and let Him take us over, the more truly ourselves we become. The more I resist Him and try to live on my own, the more I become dominated by my own hereditary and upbringing and surroundings and natural desires. In fact what I so proudly call 'Myself' becomes merely the meeting place for trains of events which I never started and which I cannot stop." --C.S.Lewis And it's funny because a decade ago this thought wouldn't have resonated remotely with me, but now it rings absolutely true.
Bread & Co.: Thankfully there's one about two miles from my house, and I'm completely smitten with the honey and pecan chicken salad on cranberry pecan bread. It's just ridiculous. I never thought I'd forget Berts so very quickly:)
The Elliptical: Why didn't I ever give you a try at my last gym? You're great and so much easier than running. And according to the little computer thing, I burn as many or more calories when using you.
Jeans, flip flops, and a start time of 10:30: Yep, that's my job. I spent last Monday on a golf course, working! Love it.
Google Maps: It's made moving to a new place so much easier than it once was. Oh, Google Documents is great too--especially if I could figure out how to print the documents without the information on the top/bottom of the page (date, google doc, etc.).
Blueberry Candle: Yummy. Plus the tool shed sort of a dead animal, so it's very necessary.
Pancake Pantry: My family and I managed a visit with no waiting in line!
Being "Miss Allison" Again: It's been years since I've been called that--I like it.
It's so wonderful hearing about how happy you are!
Love the elliptical! I just bought a cheapy one off Amazon for like $100, not the same as the gym but definitely gets the job done.
I keep wanting to go to the Pancake Pantry but as you mentioned the line is usually backed up to Vandy!!lol
Oh my gosh... I just recently got into the DVD's of the West Wing and fell in looooove. Rob Lowe is sooo adorable. Do you watch Brothers and Sisters on Sunday nights? It's fun to know come Sunday, I'll see him. ;)
amen to dodgeball, elliptical and google maps!
A Life Uncommon: Yes, I watch that show--in large part b/c he's so cute. But have you noticed lately that he looks like he's wearing eyeliner and way too much tan foundation? It's such a turnoff!
FC&F: Well on Fridays around 2:00 in the afternoon there's no line....
Jamie: That's an awesome deal.
Ella: Although it's not all puppies and rainbows, life is very good:)
Libby: Yep!
Jeans and flip flops are the way to go. That means you're truly slacking. It's a good look. I like to read about how mom's impact their children. Thanks for sharing.
look at that pancake lady! wow! you and your mom are adorable. i like blueberry candles too, and the office. oh, and am lately back again as a fan of the eliptical after taking a break from running. :)
I can't think of a more perfect time to run, than at night. Except for during the winter. There isn't any fun in that. BE SAFE OUT THERE!
I see the resemblance between you and your mom. I know your true hair color! :D
The only benefit of an elliptical is that it doesn't put as much stress on your joints as running. And if it's a good elliptical and you aren't using your hands to keep balance, it'll work a bit of your core also. Otherwise, I just don't feel like I'm making any progress. :)
As far as Google Documents go, try this:
Click Print in Google Docs.
When the print box comes up, click CANCEL.
Assuming you're using Internet Explorer, Click File --> Page Setup.
Remove the text from the Header/Footer field. Click Ok.
Click print again.
There you go. Enjoy! :D
Looks like Aaron beat me to the tech point of the day. I am all about all things Google: docs, gmail, notebook, calendar, checkout, toolbar, iGoogle, blogger, etc...I could go on for hours :-)
Hard to believe 9 comments so far and not a single question about this real-life crush....they must be better informed than me!
I love this! Firstly,I need to go to this pancake place. Nextly, have you tried the Yankee Candle blueberry? I highly recommend. The elliptical rocks, moms are the bestest, and I am going to have to get me some Rich Mullins. The last music referral you gave me (Mat Kearney) is now one of my all time faves. Hi Mat! I heart you!
Sounds like you're having a wonderful time in Nashville. They're so lucky to have you and I know you're doing great work.
What a great list! I love the elliptical, especilly since I have a knee that gets aggravated. Have fun discovering The Office, it's brilliant!
Too much running has done a number on a knee, so I stick to the elliptical and think its awesome.
As for Dodgeball, we have a team from work that started playing in a league 2 weeks ago. TOTALLY fun, I would have never thought you could break a sweat playing :)
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