I acquired a new roommate this weekend. Meet Thatch! He's a four pound, 9 week old King Charles Cavalier Spaniel and ridiculously cute. He's finally getting the hang of walking on my cement floors and not belly flopping. He's fearless but not so much because he's brave; it's more that he's extremely friendly and outgoing. So far he seems to love everyone and everything he meets, and his boldness is growing daily. Thankfully Clay is mostly home during the day, which really is the only reason I was able to get a puppy since Thatch has to go outside every hour or two now. So far the crate training is going really well, and I can't wait for him to be able to sleep through the night!

I'm sure my sister feels the same way about her newest daughter who is absolutely perfect and was born last week. I can't wait to hang out with Mallie more and see my other two nieces in action trying to take care of her....their very own living doll.
Hope your 2010 is off to a great start!
p.s. I'm thankful for the gift of life. Mallie is such a reminder of how precious it is.
AWWWWWWW he is so cute :D I just adore Spaniels, they are so friendly and energetic :) He is gorgeous.
OMG...Love him!!! Love Love Love!!!
Congrats to your sister:-) Hope Mommy and Baby are doing well!
Ooooh CUTE!
Now that, is a cute puppy!
Oh he is adorable Ally!
How stinkin' precious!!!!
Unfortunately, I have nothing original to say. That puppy is CUTE! :)
Okay hands down that is the CUTEST dog ever... I'd say you've got quite the cute roommate! :)
Did I miss the memo about you and Clay moving in together?!?!?!?!
TC: No, you didn't miss anything. We're not living together--and won't unless we get married, but Clay is my neighbor. He lives on the floor underneath me, so shared puppy care is easy.
oh my goodness that puppy is SO cute. Brings back memories from when Chloe was a puppy. I never knew dogs would be up as much as a baby in the middle of the night. I was a worn out mess at work for at least a month. She cried all.night.long and it drove me crazy. It will get better and it's SOOO worth it! :)
Our Happy Married Life: Yes, I've been worn out this week! Thankfully Thatch has stayed with Clay the last two nights, so that I could have 8 continuous hours of sleep. It helps that Thatcher is so stinking cute.
Aww, what a sweet puppy face! What a great way to start 2010!
Awwwww, he's adorable! I want one!
Anyway, I should introduce myself - I'm Lisa and I just discovered your blog on learningfromsophie's blogroll. The fact that you're a fellow lawyer caught my attention. :)
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