My in-laws ended up going out of town on Saturday, so Blake sent me to their house that evening so I could sleep late and have a leisurely Mother's Day morning. Alone time and rest is how I recharge, so that was the best gift he could have given me. I think I could have spent the entire day in bed, but I managed to get up at 10 so I could swing by Starbucks and Target before heading home to join the family for a trip to the Market. Both kids were thrilled to see me and extra sweet. I called my mom and had given her a card (painted by Jackson) and gift earlier in the week. We spent the evening with Blake's dad and step-mother, and it was a great day.
I thought a lot about the moms in my life as well as my friends who long to me mothers but aren't yet and those who have lost their moms. I prayed a lot for a woman who recently lost both of her children and her mother in a tragic accident; I cannot imagine her day. Or my friend who had a double mastectomy today and has 2 young children to care for as well. I have much to be thankful for and am so privileged to be a mother.
p.s. I'm grateful for fresh strawberries, and Jackson being able to eat some out of a neighbor's garden.