Last week my neighbor (lets call him "Clay") wrote, saying that we should grab dinner soon. While I had fun on our first date, I was concerned about two red flags. But I like Clay and am attracted to him (attraction tends to be unfortunately elusive on my end for some weird reason I attribute to pheromones), so I decided a week night date would be ok (my dating logic, or lack thereof, knows no bounds). Plus I invited our neighbors to join us since it was Cinco de Mayo, which he was a good sport about. We ended up having an hour or more together before my friends/neighbors showed up, and I realized that I enjoy his company too much to not reconsider. He's fun, funny, and intelligent, and it seems that one of the red flags may have resolved itself and that (no surprise) I may have been a little quick to judge. So proceeding cautiously. He asked me out for this weekend, so we'll see.

Oh weird side note, in my post about my first date with neighbor Clay I referenced feeling like he'd slipped a Ruffie in my drink (because I was having so much trouble keeping my eyes open), and oddly he joked about having done so and that I'd handled it well. Odd coincidence.

In other news, the prom preparation and photography were a lot of fun. Here are some of the photographs.
p.s. I'm grateful for being healthy, strong, and able to take the stairs.
Personally, I'd e-mail him. It sucks to be the one getting the brush off with no response. Just be upfront and grown up about it, and hopefully he'll be the same.
The prom pics turned out super cute. How'd the sex talk go?
TC: Thanks for your input; since I'm fine with just not hearing from someone (in this very initial dating stage) it's good for me to read others' perspective. He's not asked me out again, so I hate to preemptively tell him I don't want to go out again. Should I just write back a brief response and not address any of it?
The sex talk was brief since 7 of her friends were there, but it went well. She's got a better head on her shoulders than I did at that age and really values her relationship with the Lord.
TC: So you and AM sort of convinced me that it was poor form not to respond, so I wrote a short email back. This way maybe I can set him up with one of my friends someday :) He's definitely a "catch" from what I can tell.
Thanks for your comments on my blog! I'm glad to find yours :)
Aw sweet Prom pictures - they all look so happy :)
Keep us posted on how the date goes. Do you think he really did slip something in your drink or that he read your blog about it? ;)
Ys: They had so much fun! Very cute to watch. And no, I don't think he slipped something into my drink; I wouldn't go out with him again if I did. I was coming off of some medicine the night of our first date and just feeling exhausted, and I don't have any reason to think he reads my blog....I just thought it was a weird coincidence.
Well done for emailing him back. I'd have said something similar to TC. Cut prom photos :) Looking forward to hearing about the third date :)
Cute pictures. I really like the first one.
I would email Cupcake Boy back, and I'm glad to see that you emailed him back. Feel free to try to set him up with me. :)
I look forward to hearing more about Clay.
I'm with the crowd that thinks it's good that you e-mailed him back. However, I would caution you about leading him on. To me, there's no worse feeling than thinking someone likes you, only to find out they really don't in the way you want them to. You can't make yourself feel something you don't. I'd suggest calling him and telling him what's going on. Let him go so he can pursue someone else. Just my 2 cents, FWIW. Happy Friday!
-The gal who did online dating for a few years and is now happily married to a man she met on cupid.com
Anon: You're the second person I've heard mention cupid.com. I've never looked at it, but now I'm curious.
As for MJ--I could see calling him if we had more of a relationship--but two dates in five weeks and maybe two phone calls--it just doesn't feel like he's really pursuing me or that there's anything to discuss unless he asks me out again. I imagine he's dating other people too.
Ok Chick: Yeah, I'll write him and tell him I'd like to set him up with this blog girl I don't know...I bet that would go over really well :)
LCT: Wow. Overwhelming majority for writing him back :) I'm sort of surprised--and really glad I wrote back.
I'm with OK Chick. I like the Cupcake Boy. You need to go out with him again. (o:
The girl in blue is seriously cute!
"he'd slipped a Ruffie in my drink ."
Reminds me of one of the Sienfeld episodes.
Glad you emailed him back, extra points for possibly considering him for friends :)
I'm glad you e-mailed him back. Sorry I didn't get around to respond to what you should say, but I definitely think you made the right move.
Even if neither of you are interested in more, I think it's good that you both know it and are upfront about it. Like you said, maybe he's not right for you, but he might be for one of your friends! :) (Or one of his friends might be right for you.)
Ah, prom... that was... a LONG time ago.
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