Dear precious Ella Kate,
We just celebrated your third birthday, and I've thought so much about how good God is to bless our family with you. You bring so much life and fun to our family. Your grandparents asked what to give you for your birthday, and I told them that you like doing things more than toys and suggested gymnastic classes and a trip to Chuck E Cheese. You received both, and you immensely enjoyed your first "him-nas-tic" class.
You're such an interesting child. You can be so fearless, yet you still cry almost every Sunday when I leave you for Sunday School. You'll start preschool this fall and go on Tuesday and Thursday from 9-2. I pray you will enjoy it and adjust well.

You speak so clearly for your age, enunciating each word; so many people notice this about you. You can also be very dramatic. On occasion you break our get-out-of-bed without an emergency rule, and you'll declare "But mama, I'm SO frightened."
You are a rule pusher and bender. You can spot a loophole a mile away, and you are not afraid to use it. You may have gotten that from me! You're clever, and you keep us on our toes. You're a fast runner, a good climber, and pretty tough.

You gave your beloved pacis to Campbell this spring, and we were so proud of you! The transition went really well given your deep affection for your "pap pap."

Highlights of this past year include you being a flower girl in Bess (your favorite babysitter) and Barrett's wedding. You especially loved the reception and dancing and said "I want to stay at this party ALL NIGHT LONG." But we didn't because you needed your sleep! You also transitioned so well to your big girl bed that your Daddy made for you.
We hope your third year is wonderful and love you so much.
Your Mommy
p.s. Ella Kate just turned 5, so I figured I better finish this half written letter. It's a good thing I email myself notes about her as the year progresses :)
1 comment:
Great post! Love EK
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