Thursday, February 23, 2006

Website Share

I was reading a devotional on Charles Stanley's, or rather In Touch Ministries' website, and I realized that I should share it with my faithful readers (all three of you)! I always enjoy them and find them relevant, and I hope you will too.

Daily Devotional

1 comment:

Kimberly said...

thanks for the devotional share. I have been thinking too about your previous blog and how we can be "in the world but not of the world." culturally relevant but not sucked into the negative part of the culture. it is a thin line, huh? Just trying to keep an attitude of love in my work is easy to forget to do! And that is the main difference I think that should be present in a Christian's life. Maybe if I could get that part down the rest would fall into place. anyway thanks for the post - great thoughts. Spread the love!