Song: Foo Fighter's "Best of You" and "Mighty to Save" by Kristian Stanfill are tied right now, narrowly beating out "Love is a Battlefield" by Pat Benatar.
Album: Louder than Creation (courtesy of Aaron for Christmas:)
Movie: Juno was good, and Atonement was well made (but depressing). I've been thinking that I'm overdue for a viewing of Dead Poets' Society and Flashdance.
Thought: "Just as I cannot trust someone I don't really know, my ability to trust God will only be as deep as my understanding of Him."
Activity: dodgeball and hanging out with Carter are both pretty high on the list (Speaking of Carter, he's asked about the blog (and knows the url), but I've asked him to not read it. I feel like he'd learn a lot about me from reading it that I'd rather him learn from conversation.)
Meal: Honey almond chicken salad on cranberry pecan bread with Kettle chips and Diet Coke at Bread & Co.
Workout: Elliptical for 30 minutes followed by kicking around a soccer ball.
Jeans: The $220 Citizen of Humanity jeans I got for free!
Shoes: The moccasin-ish flats I got for Christmas.
Drink: A good fountain diet coke barely beats out a nonfat sugar free cinnamon dolce latte with two Sweet-n-Lows.
Photograph: I love anything that reminds me of Santorini. My few days there were some of the best of my life.
Gifts: My friend "Grace" brought me a bag of my favorite chips (terra cotta) plus a bunch more goodies when she came to visit this last weekend. She's the best guest ever!
p.s. I'm grateful for people who speak the same language as me. While diversity is great and all, it was so wonderful to spend the weekend with Grace and have such easy conversation and fellowship. I've so missed the kinds of conversation we have; this was exactly the sort of weekend I needed.