Good afternoon blog world!
Please excuse my long absence. In response to Rachel's question as to whether I plan to continue blogging now that I'm married, I guess my best answer is I don't know. It rarely occurs to me to write a post, and when it does, it's rare that I actually get out the computer and do it. Looking back, I've only posted 10 times this year, but I haven't quite felt compelled to just shut the blog down.
A lot has changed since I last wrote. About two weeks after we returned from our honeymoon & my work retreat, Blake got a job. Thankfully it's not "just a job," but a job that fits his skills and desires really well. So now Blake works from home and travels once or twice a month. It's been such an answer to prayers.
We're house hunting and are really looking forward to living in a larger space. The one bedroom loft feels really small and makes alone time difficult plus it's hard for me to work from home now that Blake is.
Needless to say, we're been making lots of adjustments in getting used to living together and just being married. Some of the things that I thought would be challenging (like shared finances) haven't been, but then other things that I never suspected would be hard are difficult for us. Being together so much (and in such small quarters) has given us more opportunities to care for each other, but it's also give us more opportunities to hurt & annoy the other; that's been really hard for me. Blake is great at taking things like this in stride, but conflict bothers me much more than it should. Marriage has definitely exposed (or reminded me of) areas in which I have room to grow. I'm glad I have such a patient partner.

p.s. I'm thankful that I can bring my dog Thatcher to work with me. I asked him this morning if he wanted to go to the office with me, and he almost did a back flip in excitement.
Missed your blog posts! Hope all goes well in househunting!
Definitely miss your posts, but I completely understand! My posting has taken a huge back seat to Miss Molly.
Oh the joys of being a newlywed and learning the ins and outs of living with someone. :)
Thatcher is too precious!! Love that picture!
Aww sweet. Excited to hear more as and when the computer gets dug out :)
I've missed seeing your posts. Oh my, Thatcher is quite a cutie.
I remember when we first got married and stumbling through all those things that you never thought would annoy you but somehow did. Yeah. lol! You'll get through it. ;)
I was wondering too if you'd keep blogging! I hope you do! Love the pictures of Thatcher, especially the one of him in your office!! Makes for a much more enjoyable work day!
there you are! I've checked a few times for an update and was pleasantly surprised when I saw one this morning! Glad to hear things are going well. Good luck with the house hunting!
Waaahh Thatcher has grown so much :) He's such a cutie :)
I'm super happy to see you posting again. I understand that life changes, though, and blogging isn't always top of the agenda. I'd miss you if you stopped writing altogether, though. Good luck with finding a great love nest for the three of you :)
Thanks for the little update on your life. If blogging isn't something you're eager to do these days, please don't feel obligated to write for OUR sakes! :)
Wow, it's been forever!
You're like Aaron: get married and leave us! ;)
so glad to see you back on here! miss you... love the pic of thatcher. tell blake hi!
Congrats, Ally! Missed your blog.
I'm just coming out of a nasty breakup but getting over it!
Yea, I'm the king of all losers :)
Hey Ally! It's so great to have you back!!! I was always disappointed to see that you hadn't updated in a while!
btw--your wedding photos are gorgeous!!!
I hear you on the marriage stuff. Chris and I got in a fight last weekend and i HATE conflict. But it's good too--it always exposes a lot about myself that I wouldn't otherwise know.
Thanks for the comment yesterday. I'm so excited that you are also thinking adoption!! keep me posted with your process. The two agencies we like are America World and All God's Children International. We know families who have used both and said great things about both.
So glad you posted!
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