It's my third day back in the office, so I'm finally getting around to blogging :) Blake & I got married on the 12th, and everything went very smoothly. Some wonderful friends helped in all different sorts of ways (from bringing Thatcher to his part of the photo shoot to piping frosting on cupcakes), and the entire experience was yet another reminder of God's goodness and perfect plan.

I'm not really sure that people care about all of the details, but if you have any questions, feel free to ask. The photographs posted here were taken by Amy Beth Bullard who I met through the blogosphere.

I loved starting our photographs early--around 7:45 and enjoyed the ceremony and,

reception (although I hated not having more time to talk to each person), but one of my favorite moments was when Blake & I got in the car after the reception and it was all over--the planning, to-do lists, and constancy of it all, and I knew that we had a week together with no one else and nothing that had to be accomplished. Our night in Atlanta and week in the Dominican Republic were just what we needed, and I feel incredibly blessed to be married to Blake.

p.s. I'm thankful for the 19 days I had off from work (even if I didn't get paid:)

p.p.s. The tankini thing lasted one day. Bikinis are much more comfy!
Dr. J. Heard that is was a simple but beautiful ceremony. Lots of good pictures you will need to share.
Gorgeous. Congratulations!
Yayyyyy!!!! So happy for you! God bless you both with many years of loving each other.
lovely! You look absolutely stunning Ally. Congratulations to you and Blake
And please, share the details :) That's what a blog is for, right?
Oh man, the puppy pic is priceless.
I love all of the pictures ... perfectly capturing a beautiful day! And I really like the new bloggy layout. Nice upgrade! Love you! A2
Congratulations! :) I'm friends with Amy Beth on FB and when the pictures (which are AMAZING btw) went up I was all, "Ally & Blake, Ally & Blake...why do I feel like I should know them??" And then I realized it might be YOU and it made super happy to see that you had such a beautiful day! :)
Thank you all!
Amanda: It's a small world!
TC: Thanks! I'm not very good with all of the wedding stuff and knowing what details to share :) You should give me an outline of what details I should share!
congratulations :D All the pictures are beautiful and it sounds like it was a great day :)
I just celebrated my 6month wedding anniversary and I can't tell you how happy I am to be married to my man :D
I can't believe you already got married! You look beautiful! So pretty, and happy. I'm very happy for you and Blake.
So your friend in Savannah. I need to meet him.
congrats! beautiful pictures. Beautiful couple! Enjoy!!!
Youre an attorney correct? If so do you do defense work or plaintiff? Im just curious haha
MBruck: I represent plaintiffs & defendants.
Congrats Ally! You looks beautiful.
Ally - Remember me, Steve ? Well it's been a year since I've Blogged and lo, I see you are now married. Congratulations. May you & your husband find every happiness together.
Live well, good cheers and many blessing to you both ...
WTG: Yes, I remember you! Thank you for the well wishes. I hope you're doing well too.
So... do you plan to continue blogging now that you're married, or is it just taking you a while to fit blogging in to your new routine? It took me a while to find my blogging groove again after getting married (and moving to a new state! and becoming a mom!) a few months ago, so I can totally respect and understand your lack of blog activity. :) Hope all is well!
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