Five of the best things about being pregnant:
(1) Knowing that at the end of 10 months we'll have a child. SO. EXCITING. I just can't wait to meet and hold our son and see Blake be a daddy. This is such a blessing that I wonder how it is that my mind too often focuses on the worst things about being pregnant.
(2) It gives me an immediate common ground with a lot of women, and it's been fun to see people I don't normally connect with feel excited for me and interested in sharing their pregnancy/parenting experiences.
(3) It's been a reminder of how loved we are by friends and family as they want to celebrate our son and help us prepare for his arrival. It's amazing how much stuff such a small person needs, and so many people have given us necessities and adorable baby things.
(4) Feeling Jackson move. It's still a bit weird to me, but I love wondering what he's doing in there and knowing that he's active. The other day I had a fluffernutter sandwich for lunch, and he went crazy....I think he may have a sweet tooth like me :)
(5) It means I'm quitting my job soon! Valentine's Day is my last day unless Jackson decides to bless us with his presence before then.
Five of the Worst Things about being Pregnant (that are blog appropriate):
(1) Skin problems. My skin hasn't been this greasy...ever. Even my hair is greasier. And I've had acne on my chest, back, neck, and face....yes, it's lovely.
(2) Fat face...and thighs. I really notice how chubby my face has gotten when I see photographs of myself. Not attractive. I guess I just can't gain 30+ pounds and not expect some of it to be in my face? This blog post made me feel better and reminded me that I'm not alone. Fat thighs are also a bummer. I expected my belly to get bigger, but why are my pants tight in my thighs too?
(3) Backaches. These started in November and usually begin around 1:00 p.m. on any day that I work or overdo it at home. Nothing seems to help except leaning back in a fully supported position, which is obviously hard to do at work.
(4) Maternity clothes: Don't even get me started. I'm sure if I were willing to spend lots of money and hours shopping (and driving to cities that have stores with maternity sections or trying to find regular clothes that cover my growing bump) I could look much more presentable, but since I'm not I'm looking really uncute these days.
(5) Feeling out of control. I know this is my ugly vanity rearing its head again, but I'd be less than honest if I didn't admit that it's been challenging to adjust to sometimes rapid weight gain and out of control appetite. There have been days and weeks when I feel like a bottomless pit and never feel satisfied, and then there have been weeks where I really watch what I eat and still gain 2-3 pounds. It's made me feel out of control at times and has frustrated me, especially since I feel like I should be grateful and not begrudging these pregnancy symptoms. After all this baby is an absolutely tremendous blessing. I thought I would watch my weight gain and only gain 25 pounds since I normally manage my weight fairly easily, but I've already gained 35 pounds and don't feel like I've had a lot of control over it.
Fortunately pregnancy is coming to an end soon. My due date is February 22, and based on physical exams, my doctor thinks Jackson is likely to come 2-3 weeks early. I'm so ready to meet him!
p.s. I'm grateful that the Lord has blessed us with this baby and that I've had such an uneventful and relatively easy pregnancy.
Wednesday, January 25, 2012
Sunday, January 22, 2012
2011 Recap
What a year! I thought 2010 was eventful with our engagement, wedding, and first six months of marriage, but 2011 was every bit as exciting and full of memorable events.

January: The year began with a really fun snow and sledding. Then we bought a house and immediately began remodeling. Blake, my step-father, and brother-in-law laid our new hardwood floors. We did lots of painting with help from friends. While the house needed LOTS of work, it couldn't have been in a more perfect location and we liked the layout and potential...and the price. So blessed to have found it before it even went on the market and without involving realtors.
February: We did more remodeling and had beautiful crown molding and baseboards installed. And then we moved into our home. Unfortunately 8 days after we moved in a storm came through and blew a very large tree onto our house, causing substantial damage and requiring us to immediately move out.
March: We lived in a hotel for almost two weeks, and then we moved into an apartment. March was absolutely exhausting as we met with our first insurance adjuster for over five hours one afternoon, met with a joke of a structural engineer hired by our insurance company, and began meeting with contractors. Highlights of the month were how well Blake and I worked together during such a stressful situation and how blessed we were by having flexible jobs that allowed us to deal with the constant meetings, phone calls, emails, etc. that were necessary. We were also assigned a new adjuster as we had gotten nowhere with our first adjuster in the 5 or so weeks since the tree hit our home.
April: This month was another blur as we continued meeting with and emailing our insurance adjuster and contractor in an attempt to begin the repairs our home. It felt like we were living in a cave as our time continued to be consumed by the insurance battle and the stress.
May: FINALLY construction began on our home (and we came to an agreement with our insurance company that exceeded the company's initial estimate by almost $50,000), and we could see an end in sight. Such an answer to prayers! We headed to Pawley's Island at the end of the month for my law firm's second annual retreat there and enjoyed having a 3 bedroom condo all to ourselves. My sister and her family joined us for a few days, and it was a nice get-away even if I did have to work several hours for several days.
June: The day before Father's Day I found out that I was pregnant, which was of course terribly exciting. Such an absolute blessing, and we couldn't have been more thrilled. It was wonderful to see Blake's reaction to the news, and we were able to tell his father on Father's Day and he kept exclaiming "You couldn't have given me a better gift." Since I can't keep a secret we told our close friends and family, which was super fun. We celebrated our first marriage anniversary, and Blake surprised me with an awesome trip to the Grove Park Inn. To say I loved the spa would be an understatement. I spent about 8 hours there and can't wait to go back. We also saw lots of progress with our home remodeling.
July: We finally got power back to our home and a move-in date seemed imminent. We ended up paying for a lot of additional renovations to our home like replacing the siding with Hardie board, updating the upstairs bathroom, rescreening the back porch, and adding railings. Morning sickness also began, but thankfully it wasn't too terrible. I had my first prenatal/OBGYN appointment, and we were able to see our baby. That was a relief since the first 12 weeks were definitely a scary time.
August: Our fantastic friends helped us move for the third time in 6 months, and we couldn't have been more delighted to be back in our home. Thatcher loved having a big yard again, and we liked being back in a house in a neighborhood and next door to our good friends. We breathed a sigh of relief as the first trimester (and higher risk of miscarriage) came to an end too.
September: At our 15 week appointment we learned that our baby is a boy! We already had our names chosen, so it was really fun to begin calling our son by his name--Jackson (my maiden name). And my baby bump began showing. We bought a lot of backporch furniture this month and began thoroughly enjoying our screened in porch. We visited my mother's hometown for a family reunion, and Blake finally got to see my family's land (way out in the country) and enjoy the pond and 4-wheeling. It was fun to see what a country dog Thatcher could be too.
October: I felt Jackson move for the first exciting! And sort of weird too. We hosted our neighborhood's "Thirsty Thursday" this month and enjoyed having 20 plus neighbors over for appetizers, dessert, and drinks. We had our first tricker-or-treaters, which we really enjoyed.
November: Blake had surgery to correct his deviated septum and open up his sinuses to permit drainage. He's had terrible problems with sinus infections, breathing, etc. over the last few years, and this painful surgery has really helped. We're so thankful we could afford to have it done and to finally have some relief for him. We also hosted our first (two) Thanksgiving traditional with Blake's family (with a lot of help from Fresh Market) and a low-country boil with my family. And my sisters threw my first baby shower for baby Jackson, and we received absolutely precious clothes, blankets, bibs, and other things to help prepare for his arrival.
December: We enjoyed our first Christmas in our home and hosted a Christmas party for our friends. The joys of the third trimester of pregnancy began with backaches and difficulty putting on socks :) And we realized that next year we're going to have slow down more around Chrstimas Day so we can celebrate Jessus more and not just give each other our "leftovers" after going from one family meal to another. We ended 2011 with our closest friends in Chattanooga in a cabin--delicious food, wonderful fellowship, and a reminder of God's goodness.
And as we enter 2012 we eagerly anticipate becoming parents to "baby Jack" as my niece Mallie calls him. We're working on the nursery, trying to get our ducks in a row, and probably have no idea how much our hearts are going to expand with love and joy when we meet our son. I can't wait to see Blake as a dad and couldn't be more thankful to begin this journey with him.
p.s. I'm thankful for a new year and hope your 2012 is your best year yet.

February: We did more remodeling and had beautiful crown molding and baseboards installed. And then we moved into our home. Unfortunately 8 days after we moved in a storm came through and blew a very large tree onto our house, causing substantial damage and requiring us to immediately move out.
April: This month was another blur as we continued meeting with and emailing our insurance adjuster and contractor in an attempt to begin the repairs our home. It felt like we were living in a cave as our time continued to be consumed by the insurance battle and the stress.
May: FINALLY construction began on our home (and we came to an agreement with our insurance company that exceeded the company's initial estimate by almost $50,000), and we could see an end in sight. Such an answer to prayers! We headed to Pawley's Island at the end of the month for my law firm's second annual retreat there and enjoyed having a 3 bedroom condo all to ourselves. My sister and her family joined us for a few days, and it was a nice get-away even if I did have to work several hours for several days.
June: The day before Father's Day I found out that I was pregnant, which was of course terribly exciting. Such an absolute blessing, and we couldn't have been more thrilled. It was wonderful to see Blake's reaction to the news, and we were able to tell his father on Father's Day and he kept exclaiming "You couldn't have given me a better gift." Since I can't keep a secret we told our close friends and family, which was super fun. We celebrated our first marriage anniversary, and Blake surprised me with an awesome trip to the Grove Park Inn. To say I loved the spa would be an understatement. I spent about 8 hours there and can't wait to go back. We also saw lots of progress with our home remodeling.
July: We finally got power back to our home and a move-in date seemed imminent. We ended up paying for a lot of additional renovations to our home like replacing the siding with Hardie board, updating the upstairs bathroom, rescreening the back porch, and adding railings. Morning sickness also began, but thankfully it wasn't too terrible. I had my first prenatal/OBGYN appointment, and we were able to see our baby. That was a relief since the first 12 weeks were definitely a scary time.
August: Our fantastic friends helped us move for the third time in 6 months, and we couldn't have been more delighted to be back in our home. Thatcher loved having a big yard again, and we liked being back in a house in a neighborhood and next door to our good friends. We breathed a sigh of relief as the first trimester (and higher risk of miscarriage) came to an end too.
September: At our 15 week appointment we learned that our baby is a boy! We already had our names chosen, so it was really fun to begin calling our son by his name--Jackson (my maiden name). And my baby bump began showing. We bought a lot of backporch furniture this month and began thoroughly enjoying our screened in porch. We visited my mother's hometown for a family reunion, and Blake finally got to see my family's land (way out in the country) and enjoy the pond and 4-wheeling. It was fun to see what a country dog Thatcher could be too.
December: We enjoyed our first Christmas in our home and hosted a Christmas party for our friends. The joys of the third trimester of pregnancy began with backaches and difficulty putting on socks :) And we realized that next year we're going to have slow down more around Chrstimas Day so we can celebrate Jessus more and not just give each other our "leftovers" after going from one family meal to another. We ended 2011 with our closest friends in Chattanooga in a cabin--delicious food, wonderful fellowship, and a reminder of God's goodness.
And as we enter 2012 we eagerly anticipate becoming parents to "baby Jack" as my niece Mallie calls him. We're working on the nursery, trying to get our ducks in a row, and probably have no idea how much our hearts are going to expand with love and joy when we meet our son. I can't wait to see Blake as a dad and couldn't be more thankful to begin this journey with him.
p.s. I'm thankful for a new year and hope your 2012 is your best year yet.
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