Tuesday, August 19, 2008

A List: The Rick Warren Interviews

Evidently the cable company is not turning off the previous tenant's cable, so I was able to watch Rick Warren's interviews of McCain and Obama. It was nice to hear the candidates answer some different questions and not completely give their usual stump speeches. With that being said, once or twice I was wishing that the judge could direct the witness to answer yes or no and then explain his answer.

1. It's sort of old-man cheesy, but I liked how McCain refers to us as "my friends." Of course, that could get really old....

2. I'm glad Obama brought up the idea of decreasing the number of abortions as being common ground between those who are pro-choice and those who are not. Obviously the two camps are never going to agree about the morality and legality of abortion, but I think most everyone would like to see the number of abortions decrease. Over the last few months, I've looked into abortion more, and I've been astounded by how many are performed each year. It's really sad that there are that many unplanned/unwanted pregnancies and decreasing that number could be a great unifier.

3. Although the answers were fairly predictable, I liked the question "Which Supreme Court justice would you not have appointed." It certainly gives you an idea of where the candidates stand constitutionally, etc. And I totally agreed with what Obama said about Clarence Thomas; even as a child (granted a sort of weird one) I thought the entire Anita Hill issue distracted us from the fact that Thomas was otherwise unqualified to be a justice on the Supreme Court.

4. I certainly hope that McCain did not hear any of Obama's interview and tend to accept him at his word, but I wish he'd been in the "cone of silence."

5. When asked about who was rich Obama teased Warren about his millions in book sales. Funny.

6. While McCain may have told these stories a thousand times, I enjoyed hearing about his war experiences. Maybe I was just in a good mood. Or easily entertained.

7. While I found the interviews helpful in considering the candidates, I still wish there was some quick and easy way to evaluate the candidates, what they believe, and how those beliefs matter. I think sometimes we get caught up in what a presidential candidate believes on a certain issue, but if we looked into it more, we'd realize that it doesn't even matter (with regard to that issue) because there's no chance that his views on that would affect any policy. Or I'll read a candidate voted a certain way on an issue, but on further (and laborious) review, I might find that he actually voted that way because of a last minute rider or because passing this bill would mean something else and so forth. In fact, I heard a great story on this very issue today in which everyone was afraid to vote against a bill because they would then be labeled a certain way (basically in favor of "smut")--even though they all knew that the bill was unconstitutional. So the bill was enacted; the local governments acted in accordance with the new law; and voila local city was sued, lost, and had to pay enormous court costs (including attorneys' fees). It's all so complicated.

If you have any thoughts or opinions about the interviews, I'd definitely be interesting in reading them.

p.s. I'm grateful for the $2 Starbucks cold drink deal and that I liked my very first cold Starbucks drink. It was sort of like a milk shake (but according to the nutritional info less than 200 calories).


Aaron said...

The older I get, the more miffed I am about presidential elections. I didn't watch the debate because I won't be voting for either of these candidates anyway. The greatest achievement of the American political machine is convincing Americans they have only TWO choices at the polls, Republicans or Democrats. If you're either of those and you're happy with who has been selected as your presidential candidate you're either clearly not educated enough on these individuals or you're not pissed off enough about the state of your country.

Of course, that's my opinion -- I could be wrong. :)

Lib said...

darn it...i missed the interviews, probably because i was cleaning up the kitchen or something. heehee.
i'll have to try and look it up online and get back to you. i'm anxious to tune in and see what's going on in the world :)...

ella said...

I've pretty much already made my mind up as to who I am voting for.

And I got the Starbucks coupon too! Coffee Bean & Tea Leaf is offering something similar (do you have any of those in Chatty?)

brandy said...

I love that you wrote about this! I definitely thought McCain did a good job and the story he tells about the cross in the sand gets me everytime.

I also thought Obama did a great job with the abortion question. It's definitely an issue that not everyone will ever ALL agree on, but it sounded as though he was trying to find a middle ground, to do something that not many politicians had done before (in regards to that issue) and that was nice to see/hear.

The one thing that sort of... frustrated me is that I feel that Obama is so smart that sometimes it doesn't play to his advantage (yes, I know how that sounds). He gave such thoughtful, well articulated answers when the people just wanted a 'yes! no! yes!' answer that McCain would give. I hope that people see past it (and McCain's one bad answer about what qualifies someone as being rich- really? $5 million?? Not the best answer I think) and think about the answers as a whole.

And lastly (hi! longest comment ever!) your point #7? I completely, and 100% agree with. Whole heartedly.

Thomas said...

I heard that Rick Warren had briefed both campaigns about some of the questions he was thinking about asking. Thus, being McCain being in a "cone of silence" would not have mattered.

I read a book about Clarence Thomas a year ago. President George H. W. Bush said Thomas was the "most qualified jurist in America." Or words to that affect. I highly doubt that.

Unknown said...

2. Saying the abortion issue was above his pay grade seemed dodgy to me as he tried to walk the tight rope of pro-choice in front of a church crowd.

3. From a legal perspective, what makes Clarance Thomas so unqualified? I hear this accusation from time to time, but it is never qualified with any reason (ironic don't ya think).

Since when did the mark of intelligence become convoluted communication? I thought the ability to articulate your ideas clearly and succinctly was the mark of great skill and giftedness. People made the same claim about Kerry and that didn't help him either.

Jennifer Owens said...

I miss so much by not having tv anymore. )o: *sigh*

I enjoyed your points - great things to think about. #5 made me laugh out loud.

Anonymous said...

Hey! "Isabella" here :) I didn't watch too much of these interviews (because quite frankly, I am an Olympics addict), but I liked that Obama said, "Jesus Christ died for my sins and that I am redeemed through him". What a direct proclamation of the gospel - many Christians that I know won't even say that in public! I enjoyed your comments on this subject.


Lib said...

okay as i said before i didn't watch the interviews but i do think that Obama has a sexy voice. that counts for something, i'm sure of it.

Accidentally Me said...

I haven't seen the interviews, so I can't really comment on their content specifically.

I think Obama can stumble over himself sometimes in an effort to say things that people are going to dislike. He is pro-choice, everyone knows he is pro-choice, and all of the people who care passionately about that issue above all others are firmly in the respective camps. So, why does he have such a hard time saying that just because the crowd overwhelmingly thinks the opposite? I find he does that more and more these days (berating NAFTA in Ohio and changing course once that primary was over, for example) and it really bothers me.

Not that McCain is immune from that...he was a leading opponent of ethanol subsidies, right up until he needed to do well in Iowa...

Ally said...

Ella: I don't think we have any of those, but I've not thoroughly explored the city yet.

Brandy: See I feel like Obama's "thoughtful" answers sometimes make him sound like a lawyer who is avoiding answering the question asked, which makes him seem shady to me. I wish he'd answer yes or no and then explain his answer. Maybe McCain's 5 million answer and Obama's "pay grade" answer will cancel each other out?

Jeff: I came to my conclusion about Clarence Thomas way back when (over 15 years ago, I think) and haven't revisited it since then, but if I remember correctly Thomas had absolutely no judicial experience at the time he was nominated.

"Isabella": I laughed out loud when I read this. Thanks for making me smile. And I agree.

Lib: His voice is nice, but I've never thought about it being sexy....

AM: That's a bit of how I felt about Obama during the abortion question (I wish he'd just said "I am not in favor of any limits on abortion), BUT then he did say that he was never going to satisfy the people who believe life begins at conception. So I appreciated that he acknowledged that at least. Glad you finally commented:)