When Blake & I return from our honeymoon on the Saturday following our wedding, we will then head from the Atlanta airport to Pawley's Island for my law firm's retreat. While I wish it was a week later just to give us a chance to do laundry, see Thatcher, etc., I'm so thankful that Blake & I will be married (meaning he gets to go with me). Years ago I really wanted to visit Pawley's, but accommodations on the island are very pricey for a single since there are only two hotels; it seems most people rent homes. The retreat is only a few days, and I think we'll return home on my birthday.
So it's occurred to me that I'll likely be in swimwear on the beach with my bosses. I don't know why exactly but that's just weird to me. I only own bikinis, and while they're not unusually skimpy I think I might feel weird wearing them around my employers (two men). Would you guys? I'm thinking it may be time for me to buy a tankini.

On a semi-related note, do you guys find some of the Victoria Secret swimsuit ads to be as ridiculous as I do? It makes it more difficult for me to discern if I like the bikini or not when the model is starting to pull her bikini bottom off, straddling the sand, or otherwise lewdly posed. Maybe I need to shop at Target instead :)
And on that note, happy Friday!!
p.s. I'm thankful for my sweet friends who are throwing Blake & me our first shower tomorrow...and later in the day my lingerie shower.
Completely agree on the bikini and bosses. I think a tankini may be handy!
And the Vickie's Secret ads are Reeee-diculous!
Of course, being 32 weeks pregnant, all manners of bathing suits disgust me at the moment.
You are going to have a really amazing June with a wedding, honeymoon, beach trip, and birthday! I'd definitely invest in a tankini or one of those retro one-pieces I'm seeing a lot of this season and really liking (but maybe I've just convinced myself I like them since I may never see a bikini again after having the twins!)
Ally -- I just sent you an email about wedding photography (to you Gmail email address listed in your profile) and wanted to tell you to look for it!
amy beth
I think it would be a little awkward to walk around in front of your bosses in bikinis. Maybe they'll be in a Speedo. That would be funny.
Yeh I think I'd have to agree about the bikini. Tankini's are cute too so I'm sure you could get a really nice one :)
Enjoy the showers! They sound fun :)
I just like the fact that you used the word "lewdly". It's fitting. (And spelled correctly, I think.)
And... I agree with the tankini thing... J.Crew also has some really cute one pieces. I know people laugh when I say that but they really are...
I think tankini or a swimsuit cover-up is the way to go!
I'd definitely be looking for something more than a bikini around the bosses...
A lingerie shower?!?! Lucky!
I have a black tankini I ordered from Lands' End. I like it because it's comfortable and you can wear it anywhere.
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