Sunday, December 07, 2008

Sneaky Skinny Jeans and Whatnot

So to follow-up on this post I ended up wearing heels, black pants, a slightly sparkly gray tank, and a black long sleeve top that tied in front. I found a really fun cocktail dress, but I was cold wearing jeans, three layers on top, and boots indoors on Saturday; so I knew a dress would have distracted me from a good time. And I would have been way more dressed up than my friends, and unlike some of you who commented, I do not like being overdressed. In fact, I'd generally rather be underdressed than over--at least in social situations (professional matters are different). I think that may be an issue of pride--not wanting to look like I am trying too hard, and of course, wanting to be as comfortable and warm as possible. Oh, check out my friend's three piece corduroy suit from Goodwill. He actually wore it to work one day.

And here's my latest e-mail exchange with my dear friend Chasie who watched and advised during my fashion show of the clothes I bought/might keep on Saturday afternoon:

I wrote: Ok, so you know the skinny jeans that are thinly disguised as "barely bootcut" jeans? Another downside: if you're at someone's house and take off your boots (or at home with a cute boy and take off your shoes), you then look like a fat cow!

Those skinny jeans can't sneak one by me!

Love you,

Chasie replied:

Haha. I'm literally LOLing. You are hilarious. And I imagine you are absolutely correct that they don't work as well without the boots. But I'm sure you don't look like a fat cow... absolutely sure.

I'm glad you're a lawyer and smarter than skinny jeans,


p.s. I'm grateful for friends who tell me I'm hot even if I do, in fact, look like a fat cow (or pear as the case may be) in sneaky skinny jeans.


Kennethwongsf said...

You look very classy and comfortable in that outfit. And I suspect you look just as fetching in skinny jeans, with or without boots.

That Squirrel said...

I couldn't notice anything wrong with the skinny jeans. I wouldn't be able to pull it off!
But yes, skinny jeans are for the brave and for those who have friends who think you're hot no matter what.

Thanks for dropping by my blog.. :)

Aaron said...

Nothing wrong with wearing skinny jeans... if you're skinny. ;)

I think the "ing" is "LOLing" is a bit unnecessary. Laughing Out LoudING? heh.

Ally said...

Kenneth: The skinny jeans just make me look a little "hippy."

Anju: I didn't post a photo of the skinny jeans, and I don't think I will.

Aaron: Ha. It's more like if you're built like a 10 year old boy.....

boohoo said...

Cute outfit - I like the tied black long-sleeve top :)

Hehe skinny jeans... I just don't like them on me at all.

Scotty said...

Is that guy on the far left in the pic really wearing green pants with little Christmas decorations on them? Really?

Ally said...

Ys: I'm not sure I like them on anyone!

Scotty: YES!! Fabulous, right? Stuff like that is part of the reason I just LOVE my new friends:)

ella said...

There are plenty of girls who wear skinny jeans who definitely should not! That being said, I have a love hate relationship with my skinny jeans, I guess it depends on if I am having a fat day or not.

Ally said...

Ella: If anyone can rock the skinny jeans, it's you!

Jennifer said...

At least you are in a size where they are called "skinny" jeans. When you get to my size, they're called "slim fit."

And at least you're rockin' yours as a female. Too many guys are wearing them nowadays!

Ally said...

Jennifer: Guys in skinny jeans seriously disturb me.