Alaina: My niece is awesome and has been a continual source of joy since she was born. She's such a kind soul and already has such a heart for the Lord and others.
Answered prayers: Even when the answer isn't what I want, there is such comfort in knowing God's will and seeking it---not to mention the comfort of just knowing that God does have a plan for me.
Airplanes: I love to travel, and I'm sure that without the invention of the plane I wouldn't have visited Spain, Costa Rica, or even California.
Anna Begins: one of my favorite songs.
Andy Stanley: I became a Christian while attending the church at which he is a pastor, and his sermons sermons were always incredibly relevant and would keep me thinking long after I left church. His books are good too.
Angie Aparo, Alanis Morissette ("You Oughta Know" couldn't have been more timely in my life), Alabama
Aunt Rene: My great aunt was like a second mom to my sister and me when I was little, and she's the best example I have ever seen of a human's ability to love unconditionally. Even now she writes me each week and prays for me constantly. I don't think she has ever let me down, and she has a rock in my life.
Air conditioning: I live in Macon and cannot imagine life without it.
Appletinis: One of the few alcoholic beverages that tastes good to me.
Aunt Jean: She's dead, but her life is such a source of inspiration to me. She was the most selfless person I have ever met and the wisest, and I'm so grateful for the afternoons I spent curled up on her sofa in college after our lunches at S&S Cafeteria or Shoney's. Our conversations were often so thought-provoking that I would leave exhausted and with a headache, but I love the way she challenged me. She always told me that "If you can understand the conditions, you can understand the behavior," and that quote often challenges me to think on a little deeper level to really understand others. Her impact on literally thousands of lives reminds me that we all have the ability to affect tremendous positive change.
American Express: It's the best credit card I have ever had, even if the fee is annoying (if you call and threaten to cancel, they'll give you about half off). The Skymiles make me feel better about spending money (even if they're a pain to redeem), and I like the pie charts at the end of the year that summarize how much I've spent on travel, merchandise, etc.
Artichoke Dip: This is one of my favorite recipes that I make. I combined several recipes to find just the perfect mix of artichoke, cream cheese, and parmesan. My friend Trisha and I once enjoyed an evening of the dip and peanut butter brownies, and I thought that was the perfect meal.
Please feel free to share some of your "As" too. We're so blessed, and just taking the time to write this helps me remember that I have much more to be grateful for than to complain about.

What about me? A is for AAron!
Ally as a friend!
Nice post.
I'm encouraged by your thankfulness for answered prayers. And how you appreciate Him working in His way. That's powerful stuff.
I did one on L.. haven't done one since. I have no idea why I picked the middle of the alphabet. Oh yes I do... it was a tag from someone else's blog.. she actually chose letters for people and I got "L"...
cute pictures
Allison , as you will note only blogs containing sex, violence, or points of contention will receive you longer responses to you blogs. While this blog is "cute" human nature demands to be shocked or at the very least challenged. Notice that Spam Price nor Kinberyl never either bothered to mention your blog. you must become more creative and controversial if you , indeed , plan to be a successful blogger. Dr. RJJ
what does it mean I didn't bother to mention your blog? (I'm guessing that "Kinberyl" means "Kimberly?") I like your appreciative blog! especially since I've been in a cranky and unappreciative mood lately. I'm thankful for the positive and my friends who remind me of positive things... AFFIRMATION. That's my "A" gratitude item for today. Sorry I didn't respond before now, I didn't mean to neglect the adoring public :)
Oh come on Kimberly, you know the only reason you hadn't commented is because my blog didn't talk about violence or sex. No sense in pretending. Ha. Dr. RJJ you may have a point, but if you'll notice, Kimberly and Spam Price most often comment about blogs of a spiritual nature:)rather than the ones on rough sex (violence and sex combined) and controversial topics.
Jordan, maybe L should be my next letter since one of the other huges sources of joy in my life is my other niece Lauren.
And I'm thankful for all of my friends, including Aaron, Kimberly, and Illegal. You guys are another one of my answered prayers.
Honerable mention, yes! :D
I'm thankful for my amigos! (Like how I worked that into the "A" category?) Especially those friends that integrate my life into their own. Speaking of friends, I'm headed back to Gainesville to hold my new "nephew" again!
Dr. RJJ – I’m willing to admit that I do find posts on sex, violence and points of contention as intriguing as the next person. In my defense I was out of town until today and hadn’t the opportunity to read this post as of yet.
Ally – Thanks for pointing out that the points of contention I most enjoy commenting about are spiritual in nature lol
Also, this is an easy letter for me to appreciate since my wife’s first name begins with “A”. I’m most appreciative of how my wife displays her love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and self-control (Galatians 5: 22-23).
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