Wednesday, March 21, 2007

Getting Older...

I just chewed up my first two Tums ever. Well actually it's some generic version of the calcium rich, chalky tablets. And it feels like a sign that I'm getting older. While birthdays and my age generally do not lead to such feelings, ailments like my recent tummy ache that's likely the result of my poor diet or stress do. In another few years am I going to have to pass on grabbing lunch at the Varsity because my stomach just can't handle it? Lets hope not. Although admittedly my diet is ridiculous, I've already made some concessions as a result of my age and what has come along with the real world, namely a very sedentary job. Thanks to the poor quality of all Coca Cola products in Costa Rica, I made the switch to Diet Coke with relative ease (note: a shot of grenadine also helps in the transition) four summers ago. When I started my current desk job a few pounds crept on, and I replaced sweet tea with unsweet and gave up the weekly meat and three meals with the male attorneys here (i.e. fried chicken, mashed potatoes, biscuits, etc.).

Metabolic changes aren't the only things I've noticed along the way though. I remember noticing the wrinkles around my eyes about seven years ago (at the ripe old age of 21) and briefly thinking I should do something about them. And then I realized I had some broken capillaries on my outer thighs and wondered if I'd be getting more of the unsightliness. And I'm sure there were other little things here and there that I obsessed about too.

But here's the beautiful part: I'm sure I have more wrinkles, broken capillaries, and whatever other cosmetic changes come along with aging now than I did seven years ago, but now I don't think about them. And even when there's reason to notice, it's not something that is given more than a second of thought. "It is what it is" as a wise man once said. So I guess that is a gift of aging--while our bodies often decline, our minds improve, realizing that those superficial details don't matter so much after all.


anne said...

Amen sister. I can't begin to worry about those things because it will consume and kill you. I am happy where I am and who I am.

DCVita said...

Haha. Good Post. Yah, we get older and we see more wrinkles, but I have never felt more beautiful at 30! Go figure. I think I just learned to accept my body with all it's scars, wrinkles, and all for what it is.

There is so much more to life than obsessing about how you look. As long as you take care of yourself and stay healthy, then that is all that matters.

Trixie said...

I feel the same as you. I was "skinny" in my teens and 20s and noticed my metabolism isn't as fast as it used to. I've noticed gray hairs creeping up too, I'm only 34. :(

I've even began looking at anti-wrinkle creams... :) I'm just trying to be pro-active. :)

As long as we are in good health, and take care of the inside, we will look good on the outside.

JM said...

I believe if we feel young at heart, it's what will show and what people will see.

Anonymous said...


They only add characted and definition to your already georgeous self!!

ReadItDaddy said...

Remember, they're not crow's feet, they're laughter lines.

Take it from someone hopelessly addicted to drawing portraits, all the most interesting faces have characteristics like that. Lines, wrinkles, gorgeous little dimples..

No one wants to draw anyone that looks like they've been gone over with plaster of paris then airbrushed orange...


Aaron said...

I'm not so much concerned with my physical appearance (obviously) as much as I notice that my body doesn't recover as quickly after strenuous activity. Dad jokes about all the aches and pains of being old but I didn't think I'd feel them before 30. I wonder if I've been pushing myself too hard for too long?

Anyway, having seen you for the first time in nearly 10 years, I believe you're still as attractive as you ever were... blonde hair and all. ;^)

Clearlykels said...

Amen sister. I do remember being 14 and my godmother taking my to Clinique and buying the the three step clensing stuff and saying that it is important to moisturize. She was in her late 40s then and had barely any wrinkles-- now she is in her 50s and still barely has any. I've been washing, clensing and moisturizing ever since.

Clearlykels said...

ha ha, I did not mean to copy e.b. with that. oops. :-)

ella said...

I plan on botoxing the hell out of my face in 10 years. j/k.

Like clearlykels I started the beauty regimen early. My mom gave me all her "gift with purchase" clinque products the age of 12. Eye cream and all.

It's all about aging gracefully. I am fortunate enough to look way younger than my actual age, but I also do realize that my body isn't as resilient as it used to be.

Ally said...

Ella & Clearlykels: I should probably consider beginning some "beauty regimen."

Aaron: Aw, thanks. It's the occasional aches and pains that make me feel like I've aged more than anything.

Peej: Excellent point.

FC&F: And who doesn't want a nice dose of character?

Angel: It's def. more the inside than the out.

Trixie: Agreed. I am so grateful for my good health.

DCVita and e.b.: Accepting ourselves makes life so much easier.

cdp said...

A, your closing thought here rings so, so true with me. I am so much more familiar now than I was five or ten years ago with what makeup looks best on me, how to more flatteringly style my hair, how to dress "my body type" and how to generally put my best face forward. But I'm also much more confident in pulling on an old pair of jeans and a J.Crew tee, putting my hair up, and slicking on some lip gloss for a casual date or night out with the girls.

There's value in looking your best, but there's more value in knowing that being your best self is far more reassuring and exudes far more confidence than you'd ever reap from being another pretty face.

Great post.

Anonymous said...

Allison, just remember the wrinkles etc. that come with the aging process beats the hell out of the alternative. See previous blog re: funeral. Dr. Ridge

Whine Girl said...

I'll try to age gracefully... but I'm whining about it a little bit.

Ally said...

Jordan: You seem to be very young at heart, and I think that's the most important part.

Dr. Ridge: Good call.

Cindy: Excellent comment. And the J. Crew tee and jeans happens to be my off-duty uniform. I love it--it's so easy.

kathrynthomas said...

two things. i laughed at the tums thing. sucks, i know.

varsity will always be worth the sacrifice. always. it's an institution.