Her placenta falls to the floor. I've always thought that any song that can work in the word "placenta" deserves some respect. Live is a great band.
Lost & found: Yeah! I just found my tree stand and am decorating my apartment. I love the cozy feeling of having a tree, lights, and all of that fun stuff.
Love: To love and be loved....
Laura: She's become one of my very good friends since we finished law school and has certainly been an inspiration and source of encouragement to me in my walk with God.
The Lion, the Witch, & The Wardrobe: I'm loving this book! I'm planning to buy the DVD for my niece once we finish reading it, so hopefully we'll like the movie too.
Laughter: I love laughing, especially when I do it so hard that my stomach hurts the next day. Unfortunately that kind of laughter hasn't happened in a long time. I need to work on that.
Longhorn's: It's one of the few chains I don't mind occasionally eating at, which comes in handy when negotiating restaurant selections with my sister and brother-in-law.
Law school: I'm so glad that I went. It was the first time I'd been really challenged academically, and all in all, I enjoyed it, especially flag football. Plus I made some great friend while I was there.
London: This was the first place abroad that I visited. I had to persuade my parents to let me go with a group of students two years older than me (I was about to turn 15) and a hippie-like teacher. I was very surprised that they let me go (no doubt a result of my masterful skills of persuasion), had a great time, and got (very very) drunk for the first time (I alternated between screwdrivers and Kahlua-gross). I loved Oxford, seeing plays, shopping, and just wandering around a new city.
Leisure, Labor Day, Lifehouse, Lion bars, Lucky Charms (and the sweet cafeteria worker from my freshman year of college who provided me with a permanent stash hidden in a cabinet, so I was never without it), lattes (specifically Chai Tea), Lemonheads, Lester (the best cab driver in Macon), Lexis (I cannot imagine having to research and shephardize by book!), life, LFO's "Summer Girls," "Love at First Sight" (Kylie Mingoue...even if I don't believe in it, it's a fun song), "Last Kiss" (my dad sang this song to me growing up, so I was thrilled when Pearl Jam recorded it), "Let Everything that has Breath," "Look Away" (Chicago), liberty, lake houses, larks, lounging around....

Lauren: My niece is a blast, and she's incredibly photogenic too. I love how she'll play alone for hours, speaks her own little language, and has such a strong personality.
p.s. To appease Ozzy who thinks I'm a "picky judgmental not-nice-word," I've compromised about meeting his friend Tim who he has wanted to set me up with for months now. Since I'll be in Atlanta tomorrow night, a group of us are going to dinner. I figured that's much better than a date since I don't think I would be interested in anything other than friendship. With that being said, I will certainly do my best to keep an open mind. And regardless, it'll be fun to try a new restaurant and hang out with friends.